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Lack of Sun Exposure Can Make You Sick

In the past year most women coming into my office have a vitamin D deficiency. The primary source of vitamin D for both children and adults is from sun exposure. I have not always supplemented my c…

Education, not Vaccination

Okay, so I am one the many parents that choose not to inject toxins (vaccinations) into my children's bodies. It is a choice that I have to defend everytime I take them to their yearly school phy…

New Tooth Revolution

Okay, I can hardly believe it myself - but I still tell everyone who will listen. One year ago, in the fall of 2007 I visited the dentist and received bad news. I had a hole in my tooth, and it was g…

Who knew?

Okay, here's my first post - never even read a blog - don't hold that against me, my life consists of running my own business and taking care of 3 children and a husband - excuses excuses...…


First post on Jill's blog. She already has a website . And here's a pic of this fine lady: :


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